California Forum

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Human nature for present gain over future pain.

"One in the hand is worth two in the bush" is the old adage. Possible future disaster is too far away to those expecting and desiring personal gains the present.

Politicians have long recognize that those who demand sacrifice in the present to solve a long-term crisis lose elections to those who want to deliver short-term gains now while ignoring the long-term consequences.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Your House : A Pile of Gold

Value of your house in Gold

If we track US home value in gold, not in term of dollar, from the 2005 peak to date, then a very stark picture begins to emerge.

2005 Average gold price $450 Median San Diego home price $500,000 or 1,111 oz of gold

2009 Average gold price $900 Median San Diego home price $325,000 or 361 oz of gold.


Total loss in value in terms of gold around 70%

Why do we use gold as currency for home price ?

In many non-mortgage countries ( China ), houses are priced in terms of gold.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

August Unemployment Data

States with high unemployment rates

California .......................... 12.2 ( highest in 30 years )
District of Columbia ................
Kentucky ............................
Nevada ..............................
North Carolina ......................
Ohio ................................
Oregon ..............................
Rhode Island ........................
South Carolina .....................
Tennessee ..........................

California Counties :

Imperial ___________ 28%
Riverside___________ 15%
San Bernadino _______ 14%
Santa Clara _________ 12%
Orange ____________ 9.6%
San Diego _________ 10.4

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Being Bad 4 Good ! ! !

Being Bad For Good

* Health Care Expansion Health care stocks

* Cash for Clunkers Auto industry stocks

* Federal bailouts Financial stocks

* Financial consolidation Financial stocks

American recession and global impact

Global unemployment :

Tuesday, September 15, 2009